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2 posts tagged with "aiuse"

How people are using AI.

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What is an AI recommendation engine? Algorithms vs. AI

· 6 min read
Jenna Inouye
Lead Editor

What's the difference between recommendation and manipulation?

Netflix, spliced.

Recommendation engines have existed for nearly as long as the internet. From search engines to e-commerce portals, billions of dollars have been invested in ensuring that your internet experience is tailored to you.

But it has come at a cost. The more customized our experience of the internet is, the more we diverge from each other. My internet is not the same as your internet. Your internet is not the same as the internet of your family members or your friends.

To understand the role that AI recommendation engines play in today's society, we need to go back. Way back.

Do you remember webrings?

Can you really trust AI to cook your dinner?

· 3 min read
Jenna Inouye
Lead Editor

It's time to count the fingers in that pie.

Illustrative: A cherry pie, spliced.

You can ask ChatGPT to give you a recipe for chicken pot pie. But should you? As OpenAI continues to blur the line between research engine and search engine, it's only natural that people have started to try it out. Unfortunately, thanks to hallucinations, you're not always likely to get good results.

Do androids dream of electric beef?